Non-bake Blackcurrant Yogurt Cheesecake
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Non-bake Blackcurrant Yogurt Cheesecake
Posted by Unknown at 22:38 0 comments
Labels: Baking Recipes, Cakes
Cheryl Lai Link:
5个 --- 蛋白
67g --- 细砂糖
5个 --- 蛋黄
1个 --- 全蛋
1/4 tsp --- 盐
50g --- 炼乳(甜牛奶)
25g --- 鲜奶/Whipping Cream
75g --- 低筋面粉
63g --- 菜油/粟米油
- 将油倒入小锅里加热至出现纹路后熄火,倒入已过筛的面粉快速搅拌均匀。
- 全蛋,蛋黄和盐搅拌均匀,拌入炼乳和鲜奶搅拌均匀;然后倒入(1)的蛋黄糊里。
- 打法蛋白,细砂糖分三次加入。
- 倒1/3的蛋白霜入蛋黄糊里搅拌,然后再倒入其余的。
- 烤盘铺纸及涂抹油。
- 预热烤箱160度C,水浴法150度C烤约70分钟或至熟。
Posted by Unknown at 22:35 0 comments
Labels: Baking Recipes, Cakes
Yam Flavored Ogura
Yam Flavored Ogura
Copy from Jeannietay's Blog
50g vegetable oil
60g Milk
Pinch of Salt
5 yolks (100g) + 1 Whole egg (B eggs)
2 tbsp yam emulco
75g Plain Flour
80g Castor sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar (can replace with 1 tsp lemon juice)
Preheat oven to 150C and get ready a shallow tray to hold the baking pan for water bath.
Boil some water for water bath.
1. Whisk with a hand whisk the first 5 ingredients until combined before adding the flour and whisk until smooth.
2. Beat egg white with an electric mixer until foamy then add in cream of tartar and beat for a minute before adding castor sugar gradually and continue to beat until firm peaks.
3. Add 1/3 of meringue into the yolk batter and mix well with a hand whisk to lighten the batter. Add another 1/3 and mix till combined. Lastly add the final portion and whisk briefly to combine before switching to spatula to scoop batter from bottom and fold up until no more streaks of yolk batter can be seen.
4. Pour into a 8″ round baking pan (lined with baking sheet at the bottom), and bake in a water bath at 150C for 70 minutes.
5. Invert the cake after baking, peel off paper and invert back up on to a rack to cool.
Posted by Unknown at 21:08 0 comments
Labels: Baking Recipes, Cakes
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Copy From 大马美食~like 一 like~
黄油100g 糖粉60g
淡奶油30g 低筋面粉220g
巧克力适量 可可粉适量
白色糖霜适量 蛋液适量
1. 黄油室温软化后,加入糖粉,用手动打蛋器搅打至顺滑。
2. 加入融化成液体的淡奶油,继续搅打均匀。
3. 搅打好之后,筛入低筋面粉,用刮刀搅拌成面糊。
4. 然后放入纤维垫上,轻轻用手轻轻揉成面团。
5. 揉好的面团,用刮板切下来一些,倒入些许可可粉。
6. 用手揉成可可面团。
7. 将原味面团用称分出8g一个的小面团,并且搓成水滴状,
8. 然后继续用原味面团搓成两个小水滴,粘在大水滴两边,做
9. 可可面团搓成小圆球,给小羊顶部刷上蛋液。
10. 然后将小圆球粘到顶部。
11. 最后用工具给表面戳两个小孔,当做小羊的鼻子,放入预热
12. 取出后的曲奇稍微晾凉,然后用白色糖霜和黑色巧克力画上
Posted by Unknown at 01:40 0 comments
Labels: Baking Recipes, Cookies
Sunday, 7 June 2015
Posted by Unknown at 07:19 0 comments
Labels: Baking Recipes, Cakes